Nerdy Brain Stuff
What are the psychological roots of procrastination?
Psychologists have identified various drivers of procrastination, from low self-confidence to anxiety, a lack of structure, and, simply, an inability to motivate oneself to complete unpleasant tasks. Research has also shown that procrastination is closely linked to rumination, or becoming fixated on negative thoughts. (Psychology Today)
When you start to get distracted from an unpleasant task, the limbic system starts a process called 'immediate mood repair'. Doing a more pleasant task provides the brain with a small amount of dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical that helps the brain control our pleasure and reward centres. If you do or see something good, you’ll get a little hit of dopamine. Your brain likes this, and you’ll be more likely to keep doing whatever it is that releases the dopamine. In the case of procrastination, you’re being rewarded for not doing the task that you’re supposed to because it feels better for your brain. (ARC USNW Student Life)
Executive Function
Executive function skills help people complete tasks and interact with others. They include a range of skills, such as:
planning and organization; concentrating and managing mental focus; analyzing and processing information;
managing emotions and behavior; remembering details; managing time; multitasking; solving problems (Medical News Today)
Podcasts of Interest
Huberman Lab with Andrew Huberman
Hosted by Robyn Fountain of The Fountain Effect and James Russell of PDX Benefits,
Bad for Business: Pitfalls, Perils, and Pissing People Off with
Robyn Fountain and James Russell - coming soon!!
Books of Interest
Robyn Fountain -
Gina Pera -
Bessel Van der Kolk, M.D. -
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundo -
Marc Dingman, PhD -
Your Brain, Explained: What Neuroscience Reveals About Your Brain and its Quirks
Disclaimer: I am not certified or credentialed to offer medical, psychiatric, financial, or legal advice. The information provided above is for reference only and the definitions have not been vetted. I have included links to the source material for further exploration.